Naionra Chnoc Liamhna

Naionra Chnoc Liamhna is a participant in the ECCE scheme.

Fáilte go Naíonra Chnoc Liamhna

Naíonra Chnoc Liamhna provides Early Years Education through the medium of Gaeilge, in a welcoming, happy, safe and friendly environment.

We facilitate the holistic developement of the child through play in the care of highly qualified and experienced staff, where the child can hear and learn Gaeilge naturally.

Sessions: We have 2 sessions per day of 3 hours each – 8.30 – 11.30am & 11.45am – 2.45pm. We have a 1:5 adult:child ratio, 4 staff members care for 20 children in each session.

Naionra Chnoc Liamhna is available to children who qualify for the E.C.C.E. scheme.

Naionra Chnoc Liamhna – Providing education through the medium of Gaeilge